Sonoma Charter School

Sonoma Charter School


Here’s a look at some of our recent work with our partners at Sonoma Charter School.

To provide Rainbowdance and the resiliency learning focus, Sonoma Charter School is partnering with the Hanna Boys Center and its recently launched Hanna Institute. Hanna provides staffing support to the project and is contracting with the Boston-based International Trauma Center to implement a school-wide trauma-informed culture and curriculum to increase what’s known as “individualized academic support and social-emotional learning and wellness,” or SELWELL.

The Trauma Informed Care initiative includes orientations for staff, students and parents about trauma and resilience and in-depth training for teachers and staff on how to work with youth who have been exposed to trauma and violence. (The initiative is being funded in the Valley on behalf of Sonoma residents Marcia and Gary Nelson.)

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