The YRP is a year-long training and peer-outreach program that educates Youth Responders on the adverse health consequences of social isolation such as loneliness, anxiety, and depression. The program empowers Youth Responders to design approaches for building healthy social connections that reflect the unique strengths and resources of their cultures and communities. Youth Responders will then share this knowledge and community-building approaches with their peers and provide information on existing local crisis support services and resources. Over the course of the program, Youth Responders will build critical social connections among their cohort participants, with their high school peers, and within the broader community.
The program builds upon the success of our first YRP cohort in 2021. Grounded in Healing Justice Practice Spaces, this curriculum encourages participating youth to define health, healing, wellness, and community accountability for themselves. The program aims to create a collective and caring space where youth can come together, experience joy, engage in dialogue, learn, and explore ideas and strategies to build strong connections and promote long-term mental and emotional health.